Comments on: What Were You Wearing? …and Other Invasive Questions Nerds bite back! Tue, 17 May 2016 08:47:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: El Ratel Igualitario Tue, 17 May 2016 08:47:00 +0000 In reply to EJ Spurrell.

I’ll translate your answer and post it 🙂

By: EJ Spurrell Mon, 16 May 2016 09:56:00 +0000 In reply to Curtis Axel.

Yeah, but lawyers are assholes. They’ll always be assholes. They get paid to be pricks in suits.

By: EJ Spurrell Mon, 16 May 2016 09:55:00 +0000 In reply to El Ratel Igualitario.

I’m unfamiliar with how police or victim services operate in Spanish-speaking countries. But one thing I’d point out is that the commenter seems to be focused more on the medical end of things. A medical technician is trained to only handle medical aspects of it. Victim Services, on the other hand, is trained to speak to rape survivors and get to the bottom of it.

Now the words on that list were directly from a female Victim Services Officer, *almost* verbatim. (Although, admittedly I received said answers via text message because it’s much easier to text her than to track her down, so it’s formatted a little differently for the purposes of readability in the article.)

Now, in the context of Spanish-speaking countries, these methods might not be the same. But to call it “superficial” and “naive,” seems more a criticism of the feelings the article caused in the commenter, and not criticism of the context itself.

By: SYABM Mon, 09 May 2016 23:15:00 +0000 In reply to El Ratel Igualitario.

I can’t help but notice the complete lack of any supporting evidence for even a single claim there.

Also, I find it highly dubious health care folks are trained to question rape victims extensively in a manner meant to accurately collect evidence and testimony for a criminal proceeding, especially given that much of what they hear would be protected by privilege.

And as for them collecting clothes; only if the victim wears them to the hospital. Otherwise, that’s the cops job. If there’s some medical school in a Latin country where solely doctors and nurses are trained to initiate proceedings for rape and not the cops, I’d like to see it.

By: El Ratel Igualitario Thu, 05 May 2016 07:44:00 +0000 We have a comment in the Spanish translation of this article. It says:

“You are trying to simplify things and makes us believe that when the police asks a victim of rape “what were you wearing”, they have “a different intention”. You are overlooking lots of mistakes and issues, in order to simplify and trivialize the question… Among them, there is abundant evidence that a majority of victims are forced to “prove their innocence” in a case of rape. Apart from that, your information is greatly inaccurate: in a case of rape, it’s not the police who has to interview the victims, nor collect the evidence of rape: there are specific regulations that say that health care professionals who take care of the victim in an emergency are the ones who have to collect this evidence (like the clothes the victim was wearing) and initiate court proceedings. Anyway… for many reasons, your text seems to handle this matter in a superficial, slightly naïve way.”

Any answer?

By: Guestronomy Sun, 01 May 2016 23:41:00 +0000 “If lesbians can control themselves around short skirts, then the skirt’s not the problem”

Good point however we live in a world were lesbians are one of the most likely demographic to commit rape or sexual assault,
So I guess by the logic of the person who posted the original the skirt must be the problem.

By: Curtis Axel Fri, 29 Apr 2016 04:29:00 +0000 In reply to Racnad.

I doubt blatantly like that. Most likely they will introduce details in hopes to subconsciously sway the jury since coming out openly and making a direct claim is easier to argue against.

By: Racnad Thu, 28 Apr 2016 22:33:00 +0000 Interesting points. So police still ask the question. Do defense attorneys still argue to juries that sexy clothes = consent?

By: Gyor Wed, 27 Apr 2016 18:29:00 +0000 Thank you, that was very informative
