ArchiveJanuary 2013

GENERAL – Light posting lately


I’m getting married in the morning! Ding dong!
The bells are gonna chime. Pull out the stopper!
Let’s have a whopper! But get me to the church on time!
I gotta be there in the mornin’
Spruced up and lookin’ in me prime.
Girls, come and kiss me;
Show how you’ll miss me.…

Prison Rape Statistics


I recall seeing a study that found that inmate-on-inmate rape is actually at a higher rate in women’s prisons than in men’s prisons. However, now I’m having a great deal of difficulty finding the study again.
So due to my laziness, I’m starting another evidence-collection thread.…

MALE DISPOSABILITY – DOD to lift the ban on women in combat – Whoopdy-doo – Let’s see if they manage to keep from fucking this up.


And the signs are not good. Judging from their stated motive for lifting the ban, they have it exactly backwards.
“Advocates have long said that banning women from elite combat roles was not only discriminatory, but also prevented women from reaching more prestigious military ranks and receiving promotions.”…

MALE PRIVILEGE – The male privilege meme as a form of damseling


Commenter Valerie Keefe offered this for consideration and it intrigued me, so I am offering it for review and consideration. She doesn’t consider it a finished thought, so treat it as a work in progress as you read. By the way -the male privilege meme as a form of damseling – and since it is damseling and the damsel role is an aspect of chivalry, the male privilege meme is inherently...

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