
Ending the empathy apartheid: musing on the nature of gender dynamics

Breaking the Narrative Episode 123: We Shouldn’t Go Straight to Mars! How Anime Got Space Right!


First I apologize for not having an article a bit. I got caught up with a lot of other project work and Father’s Day. I do what I can but sometimes skipping a week is unavoidable due to various issues we all deal with at times. In any case I should just get onto my subject for this week: Space colonization.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 121: When false allegations fail in politics: If you can’t win, move the goalposts!


Since the Steele Dossier, Mueller Probe, and every other attempt to discredit the administration of President Donald Trump has failed, the Democratic Party establishment that has all but violated the needs of its primary constituency for the better part of the past 4 years has gotten desperate to retain its power.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 119: Free College as The Democrat Platform? Conveniently Insufficient!


Recently we’ve had the announcements by both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden for candidacy for the 2020 Election on the Democratic ticket. While I believe that Biden is gonna fall short despite his pleas to the politics of the far left, due to his misunderstanding of them, I am of the mind that the platform piece that is going to more openly determine who ends up on top of the pecking order is...

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