ArchiveJanuary 2014

Reddit Repost: “The Literal Patriarchy, Men And Masculinity”


This is a repost of an article I originally wrote for /r/Masculism and posted here: “Patriarchy” is typically used in gender studies to refer to one of two things; either a gender system which is masculosexist and femmephobic (Third Wave definition), or a gender system which is systematically constructed as a tool of class oppression by men to oppress women (Radical Second Wave...

CULT OF THE MOTHER – The Minoan Great Mother


One lobe of Second Wave feminism was the Goddess Movement. Proponents posited that there had been a stage of historical development, in Europe and the Mediterranean at least, where the dominant image of divinity had been female. It was controversial from the start and the level of intellectual rigor behind the argumentation for it basically doomed it to obscurity.…

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