ArchiveSeptember 2017

Mixed-up Meetup info for last minute attendees


The Mixed-up Meetup is taking place tomorrow and Sunday, September 23 and 24. I would like to thank everyone who bought tickets or donated to help make sure the meetup could happen.
For anyone who wants to participate in part of the weekend’s events but could not participate in the fundraiser or buy tickets, the museum is free and open to the public.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 59: Game Journos, not every game is Dark Souls. Dark Souls Isn’t Even That Hard.


If you are a regular to my articles I’m sure you are extremely familiar right now with the antics of Dean Takahashi of Venture Beat, what with his inability to tell a Mega Man X styled platformer from a Mario styled one concerning the game Cuphead, maybe even the comparing of many other games such as Crash Bandicoot to Dark Souls.  …

“Where Have All The Good Men Gone?” vs. “But I’m A Nice Guy” – A Comparative Study In (Alleged) Sexual Entitlement


The feminist Michael Kimmel is well known for his thesis that American society is dealing with the phenomenon of “Angry White Men.” As Kimmel describes it, white men are angry because of “aggrieved entitlement” – white males, according to Kimmel, believe they deserve a loving wife, a good and secure job, freedom and happiness.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 58: Back Again AniFem? How NOT to Go to a Convention!


Its been a while since I picked apart an AniFem article.  But apparently they decided to stick their heads into AnimeFest in Dallas, TX and make a ‘report‘ on it. So what I’m going to do here is go through how they are approaching conventions and explain how they either don’t understand the culture and etiquette of a good convention, how they likely ticked off the fans of...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 57: Devil Going Back Down to Georgia! Finishing a Defense of the American South!


Here we go back to the regular articles, if you remember last time it was a regular episode I was defending my homeland of the American South by tearing apart the wikipedia article on it. Now we are going to continue that and go more into the actual culture than we are the view of the people and the like.…

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