ArchiveMay 2016

The Cell of the Innocent


In Spain, virtually all discussion about men’s rights has something to do with the current legislation on gender violence. And for a very good reason: our equivalent to the Violence Against Women Act (the LIVG) is one of the most aggressive and feminist-inspired in the world.…

Suffolk County Police Department Side-Stepping Sexist Norms Regarding Treatment of Domestic Violence


by Siobhan H Men and those in LGBT relationships suffering abuse in Suffolk County, New York may have a better chance at getting the help they need thanks to the Domestic Violence Bureau headed by Sergeant Kelly Lynch at the SCPD. I held a short interview over the phone with Sergeant Lynch to see how those at Suffolk County Police Department handled domestic violence cases, both as first...

The Woman Card


Everyone knows that Donald Trump has called Hillary Clinton out about the woman card, and everyone can guess what the very predictable response was. Here’s an example from the BBC website and one from CNN. The writer of the BBC article used the very predictable and shopworn method of writing these articles; they went out and asked a bunch of women, apparently selectively forgetful of how...

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