ArchiveMay 2021

High School Edits Yearbook Photos of Girls, Biden Teams Up With SPLC | HBR News 308


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the recent news that COVID-19 might have been made in a Wuhan lab, the recent news that Jeffrey Epstein’s guards admitted to falsifying evidence, a high school edited over 80 yearbook photos of girls to make them appear more “modest”, Biden is working with the SPLC to combat extremism...

Is female agency going to crap? | HBR Talk 181


This week, HBR Talk will dig into differences in how men and women react when the proverbial substance hits the rotating mechanical device, how that has changed as advancements in our civilization have made life easier, and why it’s important for women to regain a sense of agency and a recognition of men’s human needs in order for both sexes to be able to survive.…

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