ArchiveDecember 2017

Positive Improvement’s takedown of @TakeDownMRAs shows the duplicity of the MRM’s opponents


Chances are, if you advocate for men’s human rights on Twitter you have run into an annoying twit going by the handle @TakeDownMRAs. Chances are, you’ve caught “him” in a bad faith argument or two, or worse, been dragged into the maze of logic fallacies he substitutes for discussion points, maybe even concluded from the bizarre shifts in mood and rhetoric coming from the...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 70: Another Series Overview? Mega Man, Addressing Male Disposability and Dehumanization 30 Years and Counting!


Alright, this time around I’m going back to this particular article series’ roots again by jumping on top of something very topical for this past week. I’m going straight back into video game lore. On December 4th on the official Twitch channel for Capcom, CapcomUnity, they did a livestream announcing the future of the Mega Man series with Mega Man 11 – the first new title...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 69: Fucked if We Do, Fucked if We Don’t? Did We Ever Really Have Net Neutrality?


This one may be a little controversial but in the current climate is very very important when looking into the future of the Men’s Rights Movement, Independent Content Creation, and human interaction overall. What I am doing this time around is I’m going to look back on the past two decades of easily accessed consumer level internet and see whether or not this decision of Ajit...

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