I didn’t want to do this, because I feel like this meme has already been mauled to death by angry feminists, and the people who responded to their blatant statements of prejudice. That’s probably why I put it off until it was pretty much going to be labeled an afterthought, but the more discussion I’ve seen and heard on the bear vs man topic, the more I realized this has to be done.…
Some facts about early suffrage might shock you! |HBR Talk 303
Last week, we learned quite a bit about how voting rights came to exist under English common law, and how that history intrinsically connects them with civic duty and military obligation, but that only brings us to the point where 1%-3% of the population even had voting rights.…
How did western suffrage start? | HBR Talk 302
How can we talk about women’s history in English-influenced western law without talking about voting rights? Well, sorry ladies. If we’re going to talk about voting rights, we’re going back a bit further than the suffragettes. The practice predates women’s interest in it by a few hundred years.…
#InternationalWomensDay is about WHAT? | HBR Talk 299
It’s whammon’s history month, because apparently history didn’t all happen to the whole human race at once, and it can’t be traced as if it had. What better time to continue looking into the history of the totally organic gender revolution with its very legitimate corporate and government sponsors?…
Do feminists always project? HBR Talk 292
Feminists like to accuse men in general, especially men in the men’s rights movement, of basing their values and intentions on controlling & violent impulses & ideology. In the past, when MRAs have documented evidence of female behavior that constitutes a serious men’s issue, feminists have accused those maintaining the documentation of stalking, harassment, and threatening women just for...
The truth about “women’s spaces” | HBR Talk 257
We’ve all heard about the bathroom issue. Like the kid’s book says, everybody poops.Obviously, this includes transwomen. Radfems and Traditionalist conservative women object to transwomen using women’s bathrooms that are open to the public.…
The truth about feminists and due process | HBR Talk 253
Child custody is a hotly contended issue in many divorces, and the feminist grift has capitalized on that, raising funds for years to lobby against advancements in gender-equal parenting rights. Their lobbying method: Demonizing fathers as deadbeats and abusers.…
We have to talk about “male violence.” | An HBR Production
During the media coverage of the very public defamation suit between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard over her allegations of domestic violence, men’s advocates watched many people wake up to the fact that the subject is not a set of neat and tidy narratives, tied up in a little dogma, polarized and unchanging for the public to view as a single problem, whose solution entails a single approach.…
What do the Twitter Files mean for the MRM? | HBR Talk 231
On HBR Talk this week, Hannah Wallen, Lauren Brooks, and Karen Straughan will discuss what the twitter files means to the MRM, given that algorithms and direct interference were used to suppress big name commentators on the right. If it can be done to them, it can be and was probably done to us.…
What did Candace Owens get wrong about false allegations
Isn’t it great to be in the big girl club, where we laugh at people who talk shit about us and then go about our lives without skipping a beat. We’re always happy to meet strong women who fully understand what’s what…
Segment 2
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