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Interview with CTV Saskatoon
I was invited to do a three minute live interview for CTV Saskatoon. It was very generous of them. We discussed the men’s rights movement and the posters going up in Saskatoon that are trying to bring attention to it.
Unfortunately I can’t embed, so I just have to give the link.…
MALE DISPOSABILITY – Florence Nightingale “Women Have No Sympathy”
The general indifference to men’s issues – male victimization in domestic violence and rape, inequality in family life as a matter of custom and law, exponentially higher male homelessness, death, injury and suicide rates – is often blamed on feminism, as if this is some new phenomenon and never happened in the good old days.…
Talking with NewsTalk Saskatoon about the “don’t be that girl campaign”
This was the interview I did with Karin Yeske. Ms. Yeske was, in my opinion, very fair and thorough. She even gave me the opportunity to clarify a point I made during the interview in a follow-up email.
Here is her article.
It’s a good read.
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Of Stallions and Men
Like the word “stallion” the word “man” is a compliment.
Like the word “stallion” the word “man” refers to a prison.
Stallion literally means a horse in a box. And man means a person in a box.…
Why do we assume men consent to rape?
A thought has been knocking around in my head for awhile now.
Why do we assume that men consent to rape?
Let me illustrate this with a more palatable scenario.
Let’s imagine we have a man and a woman who are engaged in a mutually agreed upon sexual act.…
GENERAL – Interesting new blogs
Femalefedupwithfeminism is quite new, with only a few posts, but all of them plain old common sense. Thanks, Quiet Riot Girl, for the tip.
If I haven”t mentioned The Rawness before, my bad. This guy is a resource. He specializes in looking at how dusfunctional our acpeted gender norms are and has a series going on how immature what we consider normal femlae behavior actually is.…
EQUALITY – How to make your opponent’s point
Last Sunday we had our Pride Parade in Seattle. The parade starts on Second Avenue heading north, loops over to Fourth Avenue and continues north, finally ending at the Seattle Center where the Space Needle is.
I’m noticing that the parade seems to be themed from year to year.…
MREdmonton’s “Don’t be that girl” campaign
Media spotlight has turned to Men’s Rights Edmonton for their poster campaign “Don’t be that girl.”
For anyone who doesn’t know “don’t be that girl” is a parody of “don’t be that guy.”
In one of the “don’t be that guy” posters, a man is seen escorting a drunk woman into a taxi.…
FEMALE PRIVILEGE – Gendering Class, Part III – Untouchability
Untouchability is a feature of several unrelated societies in which certain groups are singled out for exclusion in very concrete ways. Thwe wiki on untouchability lists these features of the status: Prohibition from eating with other caste member Provision of separate glasses for Dalits in village tea stalls Discriminatory seating arrangements and separate utensils in restaurants Segregation...
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