The KSUM Fundraiser is almost over!


I’m a proud member of the Brigade, and I’ve always wanted to see it succeed. It is for that reason I built this website as a portal to the creative side of the men’s human rights movement and as an outlet for the women who blaze a trail through the political wilderness. The site was based on a beautiful mockup drawn up by Alison Tieman, and it has evolved into an elegant platform for animations, webcomics, art, articles, and radio shows, complete with improved management tools that make being a Honey Badger loads more fun.

I’ve developed this site at a significant personal loss, but it was worth the effort to see you all flourish.

Even though I worked without expecting anything in return, I would like to ask for your help.

I am a student of Kennesaw State University and the founder of the first A Voice for Men (AVfM)–sponsored student organization called Kennesaw State University Men (KSUM). KSUM is only months old, but it has amassed nearly 50 supporting signatures, 11 members, and a formidable institutional might. We are now at a conference-carrying capacity, and a conference is exactly what we are going to host.

AVfM founder Paul Elam, A Voice for Male Students founder Jonathan Taylor, University of Ottawa professor Janice Fiamengo, our own Karen Straughan, and others all want to come down to speak, but they cannot all do that unless our fundraiser meets its goal.

The fundraiser is expected to pay for the event, so the conference is free for anyone to attend. Tickets are available now, and all you have to do is get yourself here.

Please consider contributing to the fundraiser to put men’s rights on campus, and you will get rewards such as a permanent listing on the KSUM website as a top contributor, a DVD of the conference, and reserved seating right by the stage. If everyone reading this donated just $1 an hour, we will reach our goal.

We only need about $3,000 more as of the time of this writing, but the fundraiser will be over in a matter of hours.

There is no more time to waste. You are the one who decides how big this event will be, and we need a decision now.

Will you help us put the men’s movement on campus?

Thank you all for your kind support and attention.

Sage Gerard
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Sage Gerard
By Sage Gerard

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