Responding to the Basic AF Podcast “Woke the F**k Up” With Alison | Rantzerker 113


Join the Honeybadgers on the Rantzerker as we respond to podcasts in a new series! This week, the podcast is called “Woke the F**k Up” and good gravy is it basic! Join us at 7pm Eastern!

0:44 – 1:17 —- Intro to blame
2:54 – 2:59 —- Podcast name
13:59 – 16:31 —- Patriarchy falsehood
16:58 – 17:58 —- Muh brand of feminism
19:08 – 19:48 —- Gross cat-calling
20:49 – 22:13 —- Look-ism
23:02 – 23:41 —- Snow people grabbed by the pussy
25:08 – 26:26 —- Media Misrepresentation double standard
33:05 – 33:26 —- Acknowledge your privilege
33:50 – 35:10 —- Authoritarian feminist believes and loosing privilege
35:53 – 35:57 —- And the answer is…
36:13 – 36:47 —- … muh dictionary definition!
38:17 – 41:16 —- Alison’s feminism definition
41:24 – 41:49 —- Toxic masculinity
49:58 – 51:02 —- Empowering victimhood
54:17 – 54:32 —- Arguments against homeless men
55:54 – 56:48 —- White privilege
1:01:49 – 1:03:23 —- Men majorities and minorities
1:04:12 – 1:04:57 —- A blackened list

The podcast:
Brian Martinez
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About the author

Brian Martinez

Part time student, part time concierge and full time illustrator all wrapped up in one creative package. Looking for opportunities to use my aptitudes, talents and competence to serve a worthy company, or start my own. Dude. Roots in Chicago. Thinker and go-getter.

By Brian Martinez

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