Honey Badger Brigade Mission Statement


By Karen Straughan

The Honey Badger Brigade is a team of men and women who are interested in promoting the interests of men and boys in a culture that has largely left them behind, and in opposing ideological feminism.

We are content creators. Artists, writers, animators, speakers and commentators. Most of us are volunteers who believe the mission of broadening public awareness of the issues that affect men and boys is worth donating our time, our effort, our talents and our dollars.

That said, we are not a charity. While we accept donations and patronage from like-minded people who believe in the importance of our mission, our mission is to create content that our patrons believe is worth their hard-earned dollars. None of us are lawyers. None of us are psychologists. None of us are in a position to build shelters, provide crisis services, lobby governments, testify before congress or write legislation.

We are here, ultimately, to spread a message to the public that such things are sorely needed and are not being done.

We are here, ultimately, to educate the public that our society’s view of gender relations is wrongheaded and destructive.

We are here, ultimately, to create a climate in which compassion for men and boys ceases to be, at best, an alien concept, and at worst, seen as harmful to women and girls.

We are here, ultimately, to inform and to educate, to provoke thought and spur dialogue, to shove our foot in the doorway of the gender discourse and keep that door from slamming shut on groups like NCFM, CAFE, FACE, FIRE, SAVE, MHN, WAPF, J4MB and others who ARE in a position to take advantage of shifting cultural attitudes in order to get brick and mortar advocacy work done.

In the service of this mission, we write blog posts, share information resources, network, make videos, produce podcasts, engage in discussions on mainstream forums and give interviews to any media source that comes asking.

We are content creators, and we want our content to enjoy the broadest possible reach, so that the attitudes of the public change and the next time a paternity fraud or alimony reform bill is introduced, politicians will have no choice but to support it.

And our mission is to change the gender discourse so that the problems and issues of men and boys become visible to everyone. Our mission is to change the gender narrative so that compassion for men is no longer an alien concept.

Our mission is not to fund a domestic violence shelter for men. It is to help create a world in which such a shelter is no longer considered an oddity, let alone a crime against women. It is not to write a paternity fraud bill, but to help create a world in which the public can understand that the success of such a bill is just and morally right.

This is our mission.

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