Here are some new blogs I have come across recently – new to me. I think the rest fo us might find them worth a read too.
Mens Rights Movement India
This is an Indian MRM blog. Well-written posts on topical and important issues.
Gendercide Watch
A blog on gendercide. Whoa. That is all.
The Rawness
This one has good posts making interesting points on important subjects by someone who has clearly thought a lot about them. The blogger has written several posts over the years on cluster B people.
Make Love and Culture War
This blogger doesn’t post often, but when she does she really lays the smacketh down. Her analysis goes right to the bone and takes you places you never knew existed but should have. Really deep insights into things people think they understand.
Daisy’s Dead Air
Daisy’s blog is not new to me, but if it’s new to you, you are missing out. She has done some really great posts, posts that I should have bookmarked as references, but failed to.
New Male Studies
This is not a blog but rather a site where research papers are posted. The pares are long and I have only looked at a few of them, but they look promising as references.
The Unknown History of MISANDRY
St. Estephe does a lot of detailed historical research and his posts are good references to direct sources.
Quiet Riot Girl
Quiet Riot Girl is an ex-feminist – I was going to say “recovering feminist” but she is clearly fully recovered – whose special area of expertise is lancing the boil of axiomatic and dogmatic belief and demolishing comfortable mythologies. She has very little patience for gender essentialism of any kind. She has little patience for the gate-keepers of gay identity especially. She discusses metrosexuality in more detail than anyone I can think of. Worth a trip over there.
- The Woman Card - May 2, 2016
- Frat boy bachelorettes and the invasion of gay bars - April 15, 2016
- “Not my kid….” - February 22, 2016

Therawness is great. A lot of it is more general psychology but some of it is more directly about gender such as this recent thread:
Hey Ginkgo,
Thanks for the linkage and the nice words, and for placing me in such distinguished company! 😀
Nico, you lend radiance to the gatheirng!
Sherlock, that article was the first one I saw there and it sold me on the place. This guy has put a lot of thought into these things and he goes right to bedrock.
Surprised that Gendercide is new to you. It should be compulsory.
Highly recommend Jones’ article Effacing the Male
Ginkgo, yeah he is very solid. I`m hoping that more people in or at the outskirts of the manosphere and MRA blogs etc. will start doing more thorough work. I would really see someone dig deeply into all the research that has been done on gender differences and try to get a clear picture of what the science really says so far for example.
A huge theme at the Rawness has been narcissism and codependence which I think is indirectly very relevant because I tie parts of the narcissism increase to the weakening of masculinity in society. Many couples today also have a dynamic where the man is very controlled and “betaized” and that dynamic tend to look quite a bit like a narcissism/codependence dynamic.
THANK YOU, Dearest Gingko.
I find this blog very good yet it gets very little attention:
Thanks, Sherlock – let me go look!
DDH, thanks go to you for that blog, not to me for merely saying how good it is!
Thanks very much for the mention. It is much appreciated.
Well, I don’t know if we could trust “The Unknown History of MISANDRY” very much. St. Estephe does use the term “cultural marxism” a lot and he has a climate change-denying article: (and watch the “totalitarianism” category).
His other research appears to be pretty good. I just leave those major caveats.
Oh, and St. Estephe’s blog has a load of other problems I won’t discuss here – you should see for yourself, Gingko.
Amit, welcome! I hope oyu see some trafci from this.
Expect some questions as time goes on.
Jose, Estephe is a resource. He doesn’t agree with the disctinction between sex and gender, for instance. I am aware of the problems with him, but his research is valuable. Your caveats are valid.
Jose: I wouldn’t say that what you linked there was a climate change denying article. It’s an ‘fuzzy-studies academic proposes re-education on a large scale for those who don’t agree with her’ article. What she said was repugnant. (And I’m not just working from the link. I traced it back to her paper).
Neither side in the Climate Change “debate” comes across well tbh.