This just in – Jodi Arias has been found guilty of the premeditated murder of her former boyfriend, Travis Alexander. Genderratic discussed this case earlier with special attention on the way Arias and one of her expert witnesses were relying on gander stereotypes favorable to Arias to portray the murder as self defense against abuse.
So now the jury has rendered its verdict. They apparently didn’t buy Arias’ and La Violette’s narratives. I wonder what the gender ratio on the jury was and what difference that made. In public commentary it seemed like women were leading the pack in decrying her lies and manipulations. Good for them; now if the men would just wise up too.
Is the culture coming to a tipping point? Did disgust over the Casey Anthony acquital figure in this? We won’t know unless the tipping keeps tipping to a point where the tilt becomes obvious, the point where the courts look at facts instead of relying on gender stereotypes. But this looks like a start
- The Woman Card - May 2, 2016
- Frat boy bachelorettes and the invasion of gay bars - April 15, 2016
- “Not my kid….” - February 22, 2016

“In public commentary it seemed like women were leading the pack in decrying her lies and manipulations. Good for them; now if the men would just wise up too.”
That`s great! It reminds me of a female judge qouted on theunkownhistoryofmisandry. She was apointed arround 1900 or so and said something to the sort of lokking forward to giving women the punishments they deserved and seeing through their lies because she thought the male judges where too gullible and protective when it came to women.
A very interesting question is what factors is it that makes women excessively close rank arround other women support all the ridiculous excuses and rationalizations made for women in the past and especially after the advent of feminism and what makes them want to go hard on a woman to not let her get away with the sort of bullshit and manipulation women are better at spotting in other women than men are. I`ve experienced several times women becoming angry because some woman is using very specifically female shady tactics to get away with something or maniuplate in some manner. The says stuff like what she is really doing is…and offer an explanation of some sort of female power dynamic or deceit ploy and they say stuff like I can`t belive she is getting away with it and are anoyed not everyone sees it.
Making women more aware of how they themselves often loose out because of such stuff and are often primary victims probably helps. If you make a woman believe you think SHE is not like that and and start talking about how female dynamics hurt HER she will often jump at the oportunity to complain about how evil women are. It seems to me like a lot of MRA women are women that have disidentified somewhat with the sisterhood because of being vitcims of shady female behavior and because of that are more open to views critical of feminism and womens role in society.
I’ve been following the trial as well, along with several friends.
1. 8 men, 4 women on the final 12 juror set. Several jurors were replaced along the way.
2. “gander stereotypes” has to be the most unwittingly perfect typo I’ve ever seen, if indeed it IS a typo: Travis was in fact carved up and shot like an adult male goose.
3. I actually had to explain to my friends that La Violette’s narrative came right out of the Duluth Model playbook in which aggression is 100% the fault of the male. Before I explained it they thought she was an idiot; afterwards, they were enraged. La Violette might as well have put the needle into Arias’s arm herself.
I’m looking for the “gander stereotypes” typo among all my others and I can’t find it. but I am sure going to keep it as a uselful malapropism.
“Is the culture coming to a tipping point? Did disgust over the Casey Anthony acquital figure in this? We won’t know unless the tipping keeps tipping to a point where the tilt becomes obvious, the point where the courts look at facts instead of relying on gender stereotypes. But this looks like a start”
Yeah, I wouldn’t get my hopes up until the sentencing happens.
If she gets a lenient sentence, then it’s a shallow victory at best.
Not sure if this is familiar to you but figured I`d link it in case you have not seen it before:
Last sentence in the first paragraph is were the gander makes an entry and I liked it too. Gender stereotypes being fed to us and then moving through society like cr4p through a goose came to mind.
I saw someone predicting an upcoming tipping point or a “bursting of the bubble of misandry” before recently becoming interested in men’s issues. So this wouldn’t be the only instance to make some think that feminism has overreached and exposed it’s nature too clearly for it’s own interests.
But if something of that order is taking place, where can it lead? Many of the instincts traditionalists and later feminists played upon are still there and will continue to shape what views and behaviours we adopt. Knowledge can help us see and suppress genetic instincts which are maladaptive but knowledge is hard to transmit between generations and would probably take vast stretches of time to begin weakening by natural selection and genetic drift. And many of the same cultural factors which promulgate misandry-based views are tied up with those used to moderate other genetic instincts so that civilization can run. The villain/victim narrative seems pretty central to our concept of justice beyond gender.
Can a change in society’s views on this have lasting effects similar to rejecting slavery (which itself is not universally rejected by all societies). Or will it fade as generations go by like how democracy or representative government has often started off well and gradually faded in popularity as in ancient Greece or the transition of Rome from republic to empire. How long can a point remain tipped when it is tipped against our instincts and most deeply held cultural imprints?
“Many of the instincts traditionalists and later feminists played upon are still there and will continue to shape what views and behaviours we adopt.”
They are indeed and they are oozing back up out of the much. Funny you should say something, the next post deals with that.
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