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Jim Doyle

<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="3109 http://www.genderratic.com/?p=3076">22 comments</span>

  • That second thread was interesting, in the hathos way a panel discussion between Creationists and geneticists is.

  • That first link – wow…..

    If that is the state of their movement, they are doomed.

  • Just a general observation — people really, really underestimate how horrible US prisons are. When people think of a minor crime resulting in a relatively small amount of time in prison, they tend to completely ignore that just a few weeks in prison is enough for someone’s life to be completely ruined; or even ended.

    And then, of course, there’s just the people that don’t care. They see things like prison rape as a way in which a prisoner (even a nonviolent one) can “learn their lesson”. The number of people that believe this is extremely disheartening.

  • Druk: And given that it’s just horrible to consider that many prisons with little to no oversight in what appears to be a rubber-stamp process put many prisoners in solitary confinements for years on end on sometimes very flimsy evidence that they are organized in or associated with a prison gang. One man has been 42 years in solitary confinement – try to imagine how much is left of his sanity after 42 years in solitary confinement.

    Please take time to read this article by Shane Bauer who was held 26 months in prison in Iran – 4 of them in solitary confinement and who 7 months after he came back went into American prisons looking at the use of solitary confinement (HSU): http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/10/solitary-confinement-shane-bauer

    Any vestige of hope in humanity I woke up with this morning pretty much disappeared when I re-read that article.

  • Whew, RationalWiki has had an ironic name for some time now. What a shame; it used to be a handy reference for debating religious nuts, but now it’s RUN by religious nuts (of the radical-feminist faith).

  • Oh darn I already posted my open thread rant on FC.

    CNN > MSNBC in regards to parenthood, fatherhood, and not framing everything as a “women’s issues” or “mommy issues”.

  • Thanks for that link Adaibat. I went over and left something. Someone called carnation out on her gaslighting. Good; it’s not just me seeing that.

  • Definitely not just you. It seems to be a problem with a few of the feminists over there.

    I can see now why “freethought” blogs has the reputation it does.

  • debaser, welcome back. You’ve been gone too long. I saw your rant over at FC nad you can post it here too if you like. MSNBC does have some biais issues when it comes to gender.

  • Curious that while Ally condemns personal attacks and stereotypes as unproductive, he seems to let all of Carnation and Raging-Bee’s nonstop and irrational slurs go unchecked…..

  • @ adibat,

    Can you give a direct link? I’d prefer not to give FTB any additional traffic.

  • Carnation in particular but also RB do a lot of hamstering. Maybe that’s his blind spot.

    TB, go check out those links Schala has up top for a taste of the FTB community. Honestly I felt like I was in a bathysphere and all these horrific deepsea fish witht staring eyes and needle teeth and wisps of tails trailing off into the darkness were swimming around menancingly.

  • Raging Bee is nuts and will die of a heart attack within 5-10 years as the MRA progresses. People like her are great for the MRA as they come of so irrational an dislikeable that they make the job easy.

    Adiabat, that study is a great find. The feminists in Sweden that where in charge of the crisis centers actively worked against providing treatment for violent men as far as I recall. I can`t recall their exact reasoning, wether it was divertion of resources or just that patriarchy was the real reason so focus should be aimed at that. You might find it in this documentary about how nuts and destructive and manhating they where/are. The documentary was made by Swedish national broadcasting:


  • “Raging Bee is nuts and will die of a heart attack within 5-10 years as the MRA progresses. People like her are great for the MRA as they come of so irrational an dislikeable that they make the job easy.”

    Raging Bee said he was a guy.

  • I’ve been around but mostly just lurking. It’s nice knowing that other people will say the things that need to get said.

    So the whole schism within the online atheist/skeptic community is still going strong but one woman feminist said something that really caught my attention. (from a Justin Vacula interview from Atheists Ireland’s women in secularism conference).

    “Women’s rights are human rights.”

    And that simple statement sort of blew my mind. Saying “women’s rights are human rights” (to me) brings women down to the level of humans. However when the MRHM says, “men’s rights are human rights” it elevates men to the status of human. But in both cases to focus is on HUMAN rights not rights only for a subset of humans.

    Anyone see what I’m getting at? Shit, I think a new campaign should be started based on this simple sentence alone….someone get to it! haha (it seriousness though I have been talking with my real life friends about feminism and egalitarianism. That’s my brand of activism…actually talking to real people who you have at least some influence on).

  • And that simple statement sort of blew my mind. Saying “women’s rights are human rights” (to me) brings women down to the level of humans. However when the MRHM says, “men’s rights are human rights” it elevates men to the status of human.

    Feminists claim the exact opposite. But it’s true that men being considered more disposable predisposes to consider women as more human, if we consider human as valuable.

  • It would be fun to try to trick feminists with the following. Claim to be a woman that is in a relationship with a man that has claimed to have gotten a vasectomy so that they can have unprotected sex but he lied and never got the vasectomy so he could get her pregnant because he knew she did not want kids. She says she feels raped because she has been made pregnant against her will. Then watch what the feminist reaction. It is of course an analogy to women tricking men by lying about being on birth control. If you consent to sex only on the condition that the woman is on the pill you have not consented to sex with her if she does not take the pill, hence rape by definitions they will often use themselves.


    By the way I find this blog has some useful posts about communication strategies:


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