Justice Jacks In to Jackie’s Jacked Up UVA Stories


For the first time since she was made infamous by the pseudonym Jackie in the now notorious Rolling Stone false rape UVA article, the woman whose lies started the whole mess will finally be facing a tiny bit of scrutiny. A judge has signed an order that compels Jackie to turn over communications between her and Rolling Stone in a lawsuit filed by Dean Nicole Eramo, suing Rolling Stone for nearly $8 million in damages for portraying her as insensitive to rape victims and trying to protect the university.

Even though Jackie’s made-up story became so famous that it damaged the credibility of other rape victims and is now the go-to example to cite for false rape claims, Jackie herself has still not seen any punishment for her lies and the communications she is being compelled to release are frustratingly limited. Though all of the requests for communications between the Dean Eramo, “Haven Monahan” (the rapist that does not appear to exist), Ryan Duffin (the man Jackie had her eyes on)  and Rolling Stone and Jackie were granted, they can only be before December 5, 2014, cannot include social media posts or details of the alleged assaults.

Oh, and they’re confidential too, so no information for those misled by the Rolling Stone article on how they came about, unless they’re leaked.

Even so, Eramo’s lawyer, Andy Phillips was grateful for the judge’s decision and told the Daily Progress that since “Jackie was the primary source for Rolling Stone’s false and defamatory article,” that we can “look forward to moving forward with discovery and taking this case to trial.” In a copy of the lawsuit attained by the Washington Post, it is claimed that Rolling Stone writer Sabrina Erdely’s “highly defamatory and false statements about Dean Eramo were not the result of an innocent mistake,” and that “they were the result of a wanton journalist who was more concerned with writing an article that fulfilled her preconceived narrative about the victimization of women on American college campuses, and a malicious publisher who was more concerned about selling magazines to boost the economic bottom line for its faltering magazine, than they were about discovering the truth or actual facts.”

Members of the frat implicated in the piece are also suing Rolling Stone.

Three guesses as to the organization that argued that Jackie having to come clean with the lies that put a dent into the lives of quite a few people at the University of Virginia is a “re-victimization”? If you guessed the National Organization of Women, you win! NOW President Terry O’Neil said it “re-victimizes those brave enough to come forward, and silences countless other victims.”

This despite the fact that those falsely accused of rape often have their lives dragged through their mud, can face suicidal thoughts or develop emotional conditions resulting in panic attacks. Of course, human hearts don’t matter to NOW. The narrative that keeps them in power is the only thing that does.

Yukito Hoshino
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About the author

Yukito Hoshino

I was born and raised in the cold snowy wilderness of northern Japan, where I discovered a curious lack of compassion toward the male of my species and set out on my long journey to correct these perversions of justice. You can reach me at yukitohoshino@yahoo.co.jp

<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="154161 https://www.honeybadgerbrigade.com/?p=154161">3 comments</span>

  • I look forward to Jackie’s full name and image being published. And, yes, all NOW cares about is staying ‘relevant’ and if that means throwing people under the bus, they’ll do it. No scruples whatsoever. I’d say that demonstrates how irrelevant they have become.

  • NOW President Terry O’Neil said it “re-victimizes those brave enough to come forward, and silences countless other victims.”
    It silences liars and that is not a bad thing.

By Yukito Hoshino

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