Here we go again, last time around we went in on Japanese women pretty hard, kind of disproving the presumption that they are purely the meek and shy stereotype that feminists love criticizing. The more I write these articles the more I see just how bigoted and prejudiced these ideologues are about everything. Makes it hard to keep objectivity to be sure but I try to do my best. This is why I always ask everyone who does read my ramblings to comment with their own research. Not only is this to keep me honest and on my toes, but to encourage you, the reader, to think. As such I thank you those who pipe up for keeping me humble. I will say though, that the subject of today’s article are far from humble. Alright Persian, Arabic and African women, Lets Hammer This In!
To begin with this, I want to open up with something a lot of Afrocentric people tend to bitch about. These are your Black Hitler (Gazi Kodzo) folk. Yeah there isn’t a single one of these social justice sects I’m afraid to piss right off. I’m pulling this from Alexander the Great’s legend as I read about it in Encyclopedia Britannica as a kid. Yes, my family actually had a full set of it and I read from them regularly when bored. I had a really unusual childhood but this might explain why I’m not easily swayed by the bullshit. But enough of that. Like I was saying, I want to open up with something to piss off Afrocentrics… Egypt. Now I understand that Candace of Meroe is actually more of a title in the form of Kandake or “queen.” However, she was the queen of the Kingdom of Kush (which is currently part of what we know as Ethiopia) in 332. According to the legend, based on what could be presumed as scribed work of the Alexanderian court, she had tried to negotiate a treaty in which she did not fight with him, but ultimately she did decide war was the only answer. She didn’t win of course, but considering the point in the career of the Macedonian ruler, one had to be very confident to take on Alexander at this point. Now if you read my source you’ll see there were other female war leaders and warriors he faced, but this always seemed to stand out to me the most due to her strategic wit.
Now I think I should include a more recent example as well. This is so I can show that this mentality has far from faded from African women. Now I suspect with this, much like the previous entry, that we are going to hear the excuse “But she was fighting an oppressor” because this one is Queen Mother Yaa Asantewaa of Ghana. She led her armies that were put forth by the chiefs who ruled like district governors under her rule. The intent? To overthrow the British Empire in the beginning of the last century! She ultimately failed and died in exile in 1921 of old age at approximately 80 years. But unlike some of our other examples we have a solid quote from her on her situation at the time of her rebellion:
Now I have seen that some of you fear to go forward to fight for our king. If it were in the brave days of, the days of Osei Tutu, Okomfo Anokye, and Opoku Ware, chiefs would not sit down to see their king taken away without firing a shot. No white man could have dared to speak to chief of the Ashanti in the way the Governor spoke to you chiefs this morning. Is it true that the bravery of the Ashanti is no more? I cannot believe it. It cannot be! I must say this: if you the men of Ashanti will not go forward, then we will. We the women will. I shall call upon my fellow women. We will fight the white men. We will fight till the last of us falls in the battlefields.
If you ask me that screams loudly the idea the idea of women questioning manhood as not a new thing at all. The British would leave her country in 1957 and she is revered in the country to this very day, so much so that their current Queen Mother is Yaa Asantewaa the II.
Now we shall go to the Middle East, particularly into Persian history, here we have entire armies worth of women warriors that the Greeks classified as ‘amazons’ since it was the only word they had for them. The most famous of them were in the Scythian and Sarmatian peoples. The were mentioned as early as the 700’s BCE prior to the reign of Sargon the Second in Assyrian records. In addition, there are individual examples such as Princess Aspas who commanded Sassanid police forces under her father Emperor Ardeshir the Second. The Sassanid peoples also had recorded examples in the form of governesses that regularly fought along with their heavy armored units that are known as Savarans. Such traditions even go up to as far as 7th century C.E. in the form of Apranik, a high ranking Sassanid Commander in their armies and the daughter of a general named Piran who served under King Yazdgird III. It was said that war was so much in her veins that even at an early age she was her father’s right hand. This earned her spot in combat from the ranks of a petty officer to her final rank as commander, her levels of strategic thinking being able to adapt to guerrilla tactics of what she referred to commonly as “desert rats”or where we are searching next, the Arabs.
Now this is where we are going to be quite entertained, as in the past the Badgers have been criticized for saying that Islam is horrible to men. This is seen as a contradiction to the narrative of women not having ‘rights’ and ‘equality’ as is often promoted and desired in the West, the idea that they have it worse and are less respected. If our next example doesn’t disprove the narrative of the Church of Wimminworsting to show that Islam is just as gynocentric I don’t know what will. My next and final example for today is…. Aisha, “Mother of the Faithful” and child wife to the prophet Muhammad herself! The most prolific battle being the Battle of the Camels in which she fought against her son in law Imam Ali. This was part of the Second Islamic Civil War and part of the reason for the most commonly known sects of Islam of Shia and Sunni. She did not win the war, partially due to her brother’s interference on Ali’s behalf, but was known to be highly educated, honored and respected within the family of the prophet. So we can take this as such, and this is speculation over the things I’ve read into and suggest others read into as well to help clarify for a later article, but the so-called feminist acts attributed to the prophet are probably actually her doing. One could even say that perhaps Muhammad was becoming a victim of Alzheimer’s later in life and she might have taken advantage of her position as his ‘favorite’ to gain more power and ability to try taking control of the faith. Remember this last half is speculation.
In conclusion I think we’ve shown in overwhelming numbers that women can be both warriors and warlords – warladies if you will. I think this should be enough to prove the point but if people think its necessary we can go into more on this subject after the new year. Now I think what I need to go into next is something that would work on breaking a more troublesome narrative that is relevant to the current situation: Recent claims that the electoral college being obsolete.
Until then please remember to Game Freely.
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