Breaking the Narrative Episode 124: Nice Try Kotaku! This Won’t Work Though!


If you’ve been paying attention I’ve kind of been challenging myself lately while I’m working on materials for my new hobby shop. This is no exception, taking something technically last minute and going along with it. Recently, Kotaku tried to suggest changing a key genre name in video games. Many people have discussed this but I believe I figured out the real reason that they have pushed for this change. That reason is something I’ve been saying since day one of me writing for this; to hide the fact that women have NEVER been left out of video games!

So what I’m going to do is not just explain quickly what this genre is, why it’s always been a gender-neutral title, and to explain outright why Kotaku wants this genre name denied. Its so simple it’s retarded and as a great character once said – Never go full retard! Let’s Hammer This In!

To begin I should state the argument Joshua Rivera is making. His thought process with this article is that the term “Metroidvania” is exclusive because you have to have experience with multiple classic games to comprehend the concept by that term. Of course he doesn’t provide any sort of alternate term after he goes on to explain obvious terms and thought processes about genres in other mediums. This is because he doesn’t want any solutions. He just wants to create problems to bitch about because these clickbait sites have nothing else.

So what is a “Metroidvania,” for those who don’t know? It’s pretty simple and this could be an alternate name. However, the classic is just catchier. It’s an exploration platformer. You go through a map, becoming progressively stronger via power-ups and items, to clear a giant nigh-open world map that typically consists of a larger building or base where an objective lies. Some of these include RPG elements such as an experience system and others are much more straight forward with their mechanics. Either way, the more powerful and ‘complete’ you become, the more you’ll be able to explore the setting.

Where does this name come from then? Well its a portmanteau of the two defining series of the genre: Metroid and Castlevania. This is where the real problem lies for those such as Kotaku’s staff. They’ve been arguing for the better part of a decade that gamers are “misogynistic gatekeepers.” This attempt proves the exact opposite of that, and shows the projection feminists tend to do. Metroid as a series has been primarily the story of Samus Aran. How can they keep making this argument if one of the most vaunted and respected genres by gamers invokes the penultimate female badass of all video games? Easy answer is, they can’t. Add to that the next entry into the genre Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is also a massive success with a female lead and the pieces fall into place.

There are also easily found strong female leads in the Castlevania games, such as the non-canon Sonia Belmont and Shanoa. I could go further, but as usual, if I did, we’d be here for days on end because of the amount of strong women in these games, which is at its core what they always lambaste people on. The best part of this is, a vast majority of these women aren’t excessively sexualized throughout their respective games, and are typically self-confident and respectable. This is an inconvenient truth for these outlets, because as I said before it shatters their narrative.

This is why Rivera made this request. This is why Kotaku is making this argument. They are laying bait for a ‘gotcha’ against gamers. So don’t fall for it! Lets keep the name that honors some of the best games in existence and keep the culture of them alive and well! I realize this is short but its sweet. Gives me a bit of nostalgia. Oh well, back to work on the shop, whats this? Anita going to Bit.Chute? That’s hilarious! Oh well, now she has a dead channel on TWO media platforms. See you all next week and Please Remember to Game Freely!

Alex Tinsley
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About the author

Alex Tinsley

A student of Fine Arts and Japanese culture of six years at Murray State University. Having never graduated due to difficulties with a specific teacher has gained a unique perspective upon the issues being faced by men and boys. A father of a young boy and loving husband.

By Alex Tinsley

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