AuthorHannah Wallen

Hannah has witnessed women's use of criminal and family courts to abuse men in five different counties, and began writing after she saw one man's ordeal drag on for seven years, continuing even when authorities had substantial evidence that the accuser was gaming the system. She is the author of Breaking the Glasses, written from an anti-feminist perspective, with a focus on men's rights and sometimes social issues. Breaking the Glasses refers to breaking down the "ism" filters through which people view the world, replacing thought in terms of political rhetoric with an exploration of the human condition and human interactions without regard to dogmatic belief systems. She has a youtube channel (also called Breaking the Glasses), and has also written for A Voice For Men and Genderratic. Hannah's work can be supported at

The invisibility cycle | HBR Talk 153


This week, HBR Talk will examine the cycle of blame, shame, and denial that too often makes men’s issues invisible and creates barriers and pain when men are most in need of practical compassion. The discussion streams on multiple platforms. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…

What are feminists afraid of? | HBR Talk 152


This week, HBR Talk will examine the feminist panic over potential US supreme court appointee Amy Coney Barrett, and we’ll also discuss the possibilities those panicking pundits have mostly ignored. The discussion streams on multiple platforms. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…

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