
The letter is open but is the case closed? | HBR Talk 230


Now that the Johnny Depp case against Amber Heard for defamation is over, you’d think it was… well, over. Case proved – women can be abusers. Men can be abused. Bi-directional abuse is complicated. Done and… more done.Nope.The DV victim grifter industry is in a blind panic, and they have written a letter to tell everybody what’s on their minds.…

Woman faces standard male experience – women outraged! | HBR Talk 117


In the United Kingdom, the definition of rape is written to exclude all forms of sexual assault committed by women. This means that no matter what level of sexual violence a female perpetrator might engage in, the recourse her victim can have will not include being recognized as a rape victim, or knowing their perpetrator must bear the stigma of the label “rapist.”…

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