Tagfemale violence

Let’s examine this hidden detail in Australia’s family violence response training | HBR Talk 211


If you listen to feminists discuss the issue of intimate partner and sexual violence, you’ll get a very polarized view. In discussing female complainants who describe experiencing this type of violence, you’d be advised that “victims have a right to be believed,” and admonished that “their victimization is never their fault.”…

Prim Reaper: Suggestions to Improve Outcomes for Male DV victims – HBR Talk 198


Tune in to HBR Talk 198 as Prim Reaper discusses her report, Suggestions to Improve Outcomes for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse: A Review of the Literature, with Deborah Powney, whose report, Male victims of Coercive Control, Experiences and Impact, found that male victims experience severe and longstanding negative effects from female perpetrated coercive control, and that their needs are not...

On the Sexual Assault of Men | HBR Talk 194


Deborah Powney joins HBR Talk this week to look at a recent report on the sexual assault of men. The discussion streams on multiple platforms. You can tune into the youtube livestream, or find other viewing options on honeybadgerbrigade.com.  This video is not made for children, but we have also not age-restricted it, because anyone who is old enough to receive sex education in their health...

Women Drivers, Victoria School Forces Boys to Apologize, The Lie That Will Never Die | HBR News 300


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the Seuz Canal incident and the recent developments, the Australian school that forces boys to apologize for rape culture, the teen girls who carjacked and murdered an Uber driver, the soccer player Meghan Rapinoe, also known as the Rachael Maddow legendary skin, talks once again about the wage gap, the...

Parents Not Allowed to Monitor Online Schooling, Joss Whedon the Abuser | HBR News 270


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about Germany’s plans to give equal rights to lesbian mothers who are co-parenting while not doing the same for men, two grown women who assaulted a 7 year old boy for wearing a hat, the Tennessee mom who claims her child’s school will make her sign a waiver promising she will not listen in on...

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