Taggun control

Disarming Elmer Fudd, Changing the Definition of Racism, Gandhi is Problematic | HBR News 260


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about some of the effects and fallout of recent events, such as Loony Toons and gun control, a female college student who is getting the very definition of racism changed, Portland cuts the police department, SJWs call to remove a statue of Gandhi, and MORE!…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 62: No Jimmy! We Don’t Need To Give Up Our Guns!


Most everyone out there is familiar now with the teary eyed acting of Jimmy Kimmel on his late night show with that stint likely written by leftist writers looking to use the imbecile as a mouthpiece for gun control. The only times I seriously liked Jimmy Kimmel was on Win Ben Stein’s Money when he played being semi gay with the host Ben Stein in a jovial manner and then on The Man Show...

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