Hanna Rosin gets ‘The Pimp Hand’


By Dani

In 2012, Hanna Rosin authored The End of Men: And the Rise of Women. It covers topics like men’s rising unemployment relative to women’s, men falling behind women in education, how women are coming to dominate once all-male spaces like the pharmaceutical industry. One chapter is called “The New American Matriarchy.” The book’s theme is that the era of male dominance has come to an end, paving the way for women’s ascent.

In March 2013 there was a piece on Slate that was like a follow-up. In it, she responds to some critics and mentions someone yelling about “THE PATRIARCHY” at an event. Rosin discusses young women and gently suggests: “Maybe feminism is a term too freighted with history and it’s time to move on.“

Initially there was a provocative title: “Is It Time To Forget About Feminism?” (shown in the image below). Shortly after, it was changed to the more mundane: “Marissa Mayer Thinks Feminists Are a Drag. Is She Right?” I’m pretty sure this piece didn’t register on people’s radar more than anything else on Slate that day.

This month marks the one year anniversary of The End of Men’s publication, and there’s a new paperback edition with a new epilogue. A Slate piece on 9//11 by Hanna Rosin was “adapted” from it.

If you look at the piece from March and the one from 9/11, they overlap and make many of the same points. However, the one from 9/11 nixed the subtlety and was titled: “The Patriarchy Is Dead.” (Subtitled: “Feminists, accept it.”)

This time there was a backlash. Jessica Valenti and Jill Flipovic shot back via twitter (shown below). A hashtag, ’#RIPpatriarchy’, was popularized. Blogs retorted or scoffed, as in The Nation, The New Republic, NYMag.com’s The Cut and Jezebel.

As a timely coincidence, a men’s rights podcast this week was about feminism having a metaphorical “pimp hand” when it comes to detractors. In the promotion by Typhon Blue it says, “if you refuse to be feminism’s… [sex worker], watch out for their pimp hand!”

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<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="3283 http://www.genderratic.com/?p=3283">13 comments</span>

  • Threaten feminism’s Satan and you really get their backs up against the wall, I guess.

    Rape is patriarchy’s child? Wow. Way to show your hand there!

  • “Threaten feminism’s Satan and you really get their backs up against the wall, I guess.”

    Natan Sharansky describes two of the required conditions for a “fear state” (i.e. a totalitarian system) to perpetuate itself. One is that the subjects are kept in fear of the rulers and the other is that they are instilled with a fear of how things would be without the ruler–an external enemy or a dangerous internal threat is serviceable. Patriarchy provides both conditions since defying feminist “thought” gets one labeled as a tool of patriarchy and it represents a threat that only feminism can keep in check–like how a pimp reminds his workers how dangerous it is without his “protection” and how the cops are out to arrest her, not help her. Fear me and fear losing me.

  • Rape is feminism’s child. Along with bigotry, child- and partner abuse, worthless schools and a large proportion of the prison-industrial complex.

    “Heroic” single mother indeed.

  • Bah. I will only have sympathy for her if she apologizes to her son for humiliating and embarrassing him during that mock debate she staged between him, his father against Hannah and her daughter.

    If she doesn’t, I could care less about her plight.

  • thanks for this
    i did not know about the march 4 tweet by rosin.
    also, how cleverly rosin catches the changing winds with her sails.

    lol now, she distances herself from feminists

  • @Finn

    Thanks for the book link. Whenever I hear “consciousness raising,” I think indoctrination.

  • So let me get this straight? Rape is feminism’s child, even though studies like the 2010 NIPSVS found that women rape men almost as often as men rape women? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

  • Sorry that last comment should have read “Rape is Patriarchy’s child,” not “Rape is feminism’s child,”

  • bowspearer on 2013-09-15 at 8:16 am said:
    “So let me get this straight? Rape is [patriarchy]’s child, even though studies like the 2010 NIPSVS found that women rape men almost as often as men rape women? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.”

    Assuming feminists acknowledge any studies with results they don’t like, they can always profess that all rapes are a result of the patriarchal ‘thought forms’ of dominance and oppression which a patriarchal system perpetuates. Male rapists would supposedly be creating the ‘rape culture’ but female rapists are getting pulled into it. Sure it’s a steaming load but people will buy it if they’re told it would be sexist not to or it makes them feel good about themselves at the expense of others.

  • “Assuming feminists acknowledge any studies with results they don’t like, they can always profess that all rapes are a result of the patriarchal ‘thought forms’ of dominance and oppression which a patriarchal system perpetuates”

    Actually they don’t even bother with that. They simply redefine the term “rape” so that it no longer includes men. Then they can simply say “see, men don’t get raped”, having predefined the outcome by redefining the term. You can see this going on in the current state of the law in India and in the work of Mary Koss, as well as in a number of other places.

  • Hello i am kavin, its my first time to commenting anywhere, when i read this paragraph i thought i could
    also make comment due to this sensible piece of writing.

  • Fearmongers like Valenti never cease to amaze me. Her running around like Chicken Little and yelling “rape! rape!” would be cause for dry amusement.. if it didn’t affect policy everywhere, damage young minds and create an atmosphere of terror in the process. Someone should do a photoshop of her in a pink zoot-suit.

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