Badger Pod Nerdcast 49: Top ten “problematic” Cartoons
Join the badgers as we walk down memory lane and look at cartoons that would never get made today.
Host: Brian Martinez
Participants: Mike(DoctorRandomercam), Anna Cherry, Otter Jesus, Rachel Edwards, Jonathan Doyle
Date: September 14th, 2015
Time: 5 PM Eastern
Nerdrevolt 30: Tabletop under siege!
Join the badgers as we discuss… the social justice campaign against tabletop and the newest happenings in Gamergate.
Host: Brian Martinez
Participants: Rachel Edwards, Oliver Campbell(tbc), Hannah Wallen, Otter Jesus(tbc)
Special Guest: Edgy Game Designer, James ‘Grim’ Desborough,
Date: September 15th, 2015
Time: 8 PM Eastern
The Ragening 04: Commandant Laci
Join Alison and Mike as they peel off the smiley, giggly, cleavage popping mask of jack boot authoritarianism. What’s up babes, you don’t really want icky rights, do you?
Upload Date: September 16th, 2015
Time: 5 PM Eastern(ish)
Honey Badger Radio 22: The beauty of male sexuality revisited
Throughout history male sexuality has been policed, punished, considered degrading to women, defiling, damaging, brutal and animalistic. What if all those beliefs about men’s sexuality said more about the people upholding them then they do about men?
Host: Rachel Edwards/Alison Tieman
Participants: Anna Cherry, Karen Straughan, Hannah Wallen, Brian Martinez
Date: September 17th, 2015
Time: 9 PM Eastern
Fireside Chat 06: Noodling with Doodling data
Join the badgers and data scientist Chris von Csefalvay @DoodlingData as we discuss visualizing gamergate and the future of human connection.
Host: Brian Martinez
Participants: Alison Tieman, Chris von Csefalvay
Date: September 18th, 2015
Time: 3:00 PM Eastern
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