Rantzerker 31: “How to be a man” by Emma Watson
Join Karen, Alison and Mike as they once again take on the terrible spectre of neo-traditionalism, Emma Watson’s advice on “how to be man.” Because we’ve never tried chivalry before!
Date: January 11, 2016
Time: 5 PM Eastern
Responding to: Emma Watson’s 7 rules for being a male feminist
Nerdrevolt 46: Volcanoes are Sexy, stop objectifying them!
Join the badgers as we plumb the depths of objectification. Yes, now certain feminists believe that geological formations shouldn’t be judged by human standards of beauty. Also Milo Yiannopoulos’ defrocking on twitter, and training social justice warriors.
Host: Brian Martinez
Participants: Alison Tieman, Max Derrat, Hannah Wallen, Radio Voice Guy
Date: January 12th, 2016
Time: 8 PM Eastern
Cringezeker: Social Justice Warrior Training Video, LEAKED!
Nerdcast 64: Star Wars Classic
Join the badgers as we discuss the classic Starwars trilogy. Prepare your anus for salt as we dive into the depths of nerd rage.
Host: Brian Martinez
Participants: Max Derrat, Skeptorr
Date: January 13th, 2016
Time: 1 PM Eastern
Rantzerker 32: Being rude to women is never okay!
Join Karen and Alison as they discuss how being rude is a bad thing. Unless you’re rude towards men. That’s fine. But don’t be rude to the wimmins, they can’t cope.
Date: January 14, 2016
Time: 1 PM Eastern
Responding to: #ItsNeverOkay – Shopping Mall
Honey Badger Radio 39: Muh Narrative, Cologne Edition
Join the badgers as they discuss the situation in Cologne and how useful it is for spinmeisters representing various threat narratives.
Host: Alison Tieman
Participants: Anna Cherry, Karen Straughan, Hannah Wallen, Brian Martinez
Date: January 14th , 2015
Time: 9 PM Eastern
Fireside Chat 16: That Guy T!
Join the badgers as they gently gnaw special guest, That Guy T!
Guest: @_ThatGuyT
Host: Brian Martinez
Date: January 15th, 2015
Time: 2:00 PM Eastern
Ragening 19: Adam and Beavis
Join the good Doctor and Alison as they take on this “Curse of Eve” by insufferable cunt.
Date: January 16th, 2016
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