Youtube’s first sandboxed video; white women get out! – Polecat News 124


Join us on this week’s polecat news show as we cover a child punished for not getting someone’s pronouns right, youtube’s first sanboxed video, and how white women are now out of the progressive stack.

Join us on this week’s polecat news show as we cover a child punished for not getting someone’s pronouns right, youtube’s first sanboxed video, and how white women are now out of the progressive stack.

More Feminist and SJW Shennanigans in Entertainment

By L Kemlo

Amy Schumer insisted Netflix to pay her closer to what Chris Rock or Dave Chappelle make because ‘wage gap’ and a theater cancels there Gone With the Wind screening because ‘racism’.

Just like her newer comedy routines, Amy Schumer also likes bringing up her vagina in business dealings. Shortly after signing a deal with Netflix stories began to break about the $20 million Chappelle and Rock pulled for similar gigs. Schumer, reportedly paid only $11 million for her gig, went to the company and demanded something closer to equal pay for equal work.

Although Schumer admits to using the salaries of Chappelle and Rock as a bargaining chip, she says she doesn’t expect the exact same pay.  In an Instagram caption, Schumer said: “women deserve equal pay. However I don’t believe I deserve equal pay to Chris and Dave. They are legends and 2 of the greatest comics of all time.”

In other SJWs attempting to meddle with the entertainment market news…Gone With the Wind is now gone from The Orpheum Theatre in Memphis, Tennessee.

According to msn, “Gone With the Wind, which won eight Academy Awards, features life on a Southern plantation during the Civil War and Reconstruction periods. Over the years, the subject matter has proven to be quite divisive for perpetuating a sympathetic view of the South during this time.”

The Orpheum’s facebook page has comments claiming the film is racist and a tribute to white supremacy which they’ve responded to by pulling the film.


Intersectionality Ain’t For White Women; Skeptic Community Screams “No F****** S***”

By Max Derrat

Hey guys, remember that Hilary Swank movie from ten years ago? (Million Dollar Baby? No.) (Boys Don’t Cry? That was twenty years ago). It was the one about a teacher trying to heal race divisions between students in California? No, don’t remember that? Well, apparently, there was a part in that movie where a black student says straight to the teacher – played by Hilary Swank – that she hates white people… and one writer over at thinks that’s a factual, honorable way to act.

In an article titled “Intersectionality Ain’t For White Women” (to which all non-feminist women like Hannah reply, “no fucking shit”), writer Cameron Glover quotes the following line from the movie: “White people always wanting their respect like they deserve it for free… see, I hate white people [because] I know what you can do… Except for ‘cuz they can. And they can. Because they’re white. So I hate white people on sight.”

In response to this, Cameron writes the following: “Eva’s dialogue reminds me so much of the pain that BIPOC have to carry to comfort and placate white women who believe that their well-intentions can make up for complacency in a white supremacist system. And of course, a lot of this well-intentioned “feminist allyship” comes in the co-option and theft of phrases specific to the Black experience, like intersectionality.

Cameron goes on to complain about how white people overuse the term “intersectionality”, and how it warps its meaning. For example, “the co-option of intersectionality has amplified something that BIW+oC have already known: when it comes to our interactions with white women, the anxiety around co-option and culture-vulturing is rooted in its inevitable reality because of the power dynamics that place white women as socially dominant… In short, intersectionality – much like solidarity – isn’t for white women… Why? Because white women have never carried the weight of having to choose between their race or their gender when both mark them a visible target for oppression.”

In conclusion, Cameron expresses her weariness… “seeing community-specific terms that Black women and femmes have created out of necessity being morphed into terms that centralize on the experiences of those who continue to oppress us for their own gain… So white women – if you really want to stand in solidarity with Black femmes and other BIPOC, how about you stop stealing our work and language?”


Intersectionality Ain’t For White Women

Assuming Gender

By Mike J.

A first grader in California’s Rocklin Academy was grilled for intent after misgendering a fellow first grader earlier this week. The unnamed female first grader was promptly sent to the principal’s office and questioned for around an hour after calling a biologically male classmate, who now identifies as a girl, by his given male name. After it was clear that the mistake was an honest one and the girl had no intent on bullying the other student she was not punished or reprimanded. But according to the child’s mother she returned home distraught by the ordeal, enough so that the mother wrote a letter to the school. In the letter, the mother states “I stressed over and over with the principal that I am all for protecting the rights of [the transgender child], but my children have rights as well. It makes me sad that my daughter felt like she was punished for trying to be kind to the kid.” According to the mother, the school responded that whenever there is a ‘pronoun mishap’ the school must investigate.


Youtube’s Winter is Here

By Mike J.

After having been teased in a June blog post, Youtube’s crackdown on wrong-think is finally here. Youtube’s “Limited State”, as it’s being called, takes videos deemed to break Youtube’s terms of service and videos that don’t break the terms of service but contain “inflammatory religious or supremacist content” and quarantine them from the rest of the website. These videos are placed behind a warning which states “The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences”, the user is then prompted to either continue to the video or back out. If one chooses to continue, the video will be played but it will contain no comments section, no ability to like or dislike, no view counter, no way to share the video, no recommended videos, and no ability to embed the video on external websites. These videos are also no longer able to be searched for on Youtube and are not able to be monetized by their creators. The first video hit with this limited state was “Race Differences in Intelligence” by Jared Taylor of American Renaissance, but others have quickly followed since. Historical channels, specifically ones discussing World War II have been getting hit as well.


Eating Disorders in Men Rise by 70%

By L Kemlo

Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia have been mostly attributed to women, but the amount of men with eating disorders is on the rise. According to an article in The Guardian analyzing digital data from the NHS, adult men being admitted to hospital with an eating disorder has risen by 70% over the past six years. This is the same rate of increase as among women.

Steroid use among young people quadrupled just in the past year. According to Dr. William Jones of the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ eating disorders faculty, the pressure for “body perfection is on the rise for men of all ages, which is a risk factor for developing an eating disorder. Images of unhealthy male body ideals in the media place unnecessary pressure on vulnerable people who strive for acceptance through the way they look.” He pointed out the gender bias around eating disorders should be confronted so men who are suffering are more comfortable seeking help.

Sam Thomas, the founder of the charity Men Get Eating Disorders Too, has found that some services in the UK are exclusive only to women but there are no dedicated facilities for male patients. Although many places will have a couple separate rooms for men, it can reinforce a sense of isolation, “and eating disorders thrive on that”.  (The article includes a case study of a man who has struggled with anorexia if you want to include it)


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Alison Tieman
By Alison Tieman

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