Chances are, if you advocate for men’s human rights on Twitter you have run into an annoying twit going by the handle @TakeDownMRAs. Chances are, you’ve caught “him” in a bad faith argument or two, or worse, been dragged into the maze of logic fallacies he substitutes for discussion points, maybe even concluded from the bizarre shifts in mood and rhetoric coming from the account that it is run by a group rather than an individual.
Positive Improvement has documented TakeDown’s misdirection and misrepresentation with some great examples of the account’s dishonest presentation:
The behavior shown in the video is very familiar to most of us who have had dealings with him, as we’ve actually seen TakesDown lead a protest against men’s suicide awareness in #IStandWithDan, and then take personal offense at seeing positive images of men in feminists’ defamatory, stereotyping #MenAreViolent. In fact, he’s blocked me on Twitter for documenting his abusive behavior and creating this composite of his attacks on #IStandWithDan.
We’ve also seen him sic his followers on MRAs, as he did with Jack Barnes, who is now, ahem… coincidentally… banned from twitter over his exchanges with TakesDown’s followers.
It’s good to see other intellectuals calling that account out for its bad faith arguments and slander. Perhaps if enough people notice the behavior, it’ll become embarrassing for Twitter’s trust & safety council, which is linked to that account through mutual association with this guy
(who ended up accused of sexual predation by the rest of his friends) and seems to be protecting the account from any repercussions for violations of Twitter’s stated TOS. Of course, I wouldn’t recommend holding your breath. The site isn’t an equal opportunity silencer, and if they were that wouldn’t necessarily be better.
Even with twitter condoning his behavior, TakeDown’s argument style is so discrediting to opponents of the MRM that the account may be more of a boon than a bust, anyway… as long as there are folks pointing out his lies. It’s like having clickbait designed to direct rubberneckers our way. Dishonest critics of the movement send a lot of folks looking for us to be the train wreck they portray us as, and then many of those folks stick around for informed discussion and various opportunities for activism. What better form of free advertisement could we request?
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Yeah good old takedownMRAs LOL. Back when I ran my university group I used to regularly go after takedown the guy was an absolute gold mine of stupidity.
I may not run the uni group anymore but we still have a functioning Facebook page and we’re still planning future events. If you live in Sydney and are interested check us out.
Protest *against* suicide awareness? I guess cry us a river.
I love it when misandrists say MRAs only talk about male rape to attack women. Because it can be easily disproven by pointing out how MRAs criticize society in general, not women specifically.
Even feminism isn’t all-female, and it doesn’t represent all women.