
Did Andrew Kaczynski violate federal stalking law by demonizing a redditor and then threatening to expose his identity?


Consider Section 2261A of title 18, United States Code- Stalking against the article in which CNN threatened to expose the identity of a redditor credited with the creation of the WWE meme to which the organization took exception. Whoever— (1) travels in interstate or foreign commerce or is present within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States, or enters or leaves...

Chanty Binx Wants Your Shekels, Misogynists!


I imagine most people here are already accustomed to the red haired meme face of feminism, Chanty Binx, but for those who aren’t familiar with her she protested a MRM related conference at the University of Toronto and outside this conference she engaged in an argument with 2 MRAs which after being recorded was uploaded to the internet in the form of the following video.…

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