For anyone who doesn’t know about this particular situation, 15 year old Christian Adamek streaked a football game. In response he was arrested and the Principal of his school, Michael Campbell said:
“There’s the legal complications, public lewdness and court consequences outside of school with the legal system as well as school consequences that the school system has set up.”
One of those legal consequences for Christian could have been being placed on the sex offender registry.
From the counter-feminist, Fidelbogen’s website:
We have initiated an e-mailing action to put social pressure on principal Michael Campbell of Sparkman High School in Harvest, Alabama. We feel that Campbell needs to be evaluated by a jury of his peers – i.e. the human race worldwide. Please go to the following blog page, which I have set up expressly for this project:
On that page, you will find a description of the proposed action, and how to get involved if you choose to do so. Also, if you are not yet acquainted with this episode (involving principal Campbell and the late Adam Adamek), you will find a basic introduction and links to further information.
Please share this with anybody and everybody, and encourage all alike to participate.
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Thank you very much for mirroring this and supporting the campaign.
“From the counter-feminist, Fidelbogen’s website:”
Is it just me or is that link broken?
@ Snake
Thanks. Link updated.