
Why Feminazi is a perfectly valid word


If your repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it and you will even come to believe it yourself.  Joseph Goebbels. You know, feminists make a huge fuss whenever you mention the word “feminazi”. They will tell you that such a word doesn’t exist; that it is only used by bigots who want to discredit their movement; that anyone who uses it is automatically a misogynist and no further debate...

Chanty Binx Wants Your Shekels, Misogynists!


I imagine most people here are already accustomed to the red haired meme face of feminism, Chanty Binx, but for those who aren’t familiar with her she protested a MRM related conference at the University of Toronto and outside this conference she engaged in an argument with 2 MRAs which after being recorded was uploaded to the internet in the form of the following video.…

Badger mail: A ling comment on Chad


Hello Badgers,
I just wanted to comment on episode ‘Rantzerker 64: Women of the World, Western Women Pity You.’
I’ve been to Chad, I spent a month there for my internship in Bible College back in ’08. I celebrated Christmas there so I can answer Bono’s question that they do know it’s Christmas time.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 8: Not Always a Damsel


In our previous entry, we showed that Samus Aran for the complex character she is and revealed not only her PTSD but how so many treat her just as they do a man. So how are we going to top this now? That’s the hilarious thing, by taking the damsel concept they’ve been pushing and showing that gaming’s greatest leading ladies constantly and consistently break the mold of that...

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